Monday, August 15, 2011


Last night's blend:
2 c rice milk
2 c prepared oatmeal
1.5 c mixed veggies
2 bananas
2 allergy free cookies
2 tbs flax oil
1 tbs olive oil
1 4oz chicken breast

Yes, I literally put cookies in his blend.

Tonight's blend:
8 oz apple juice
2 c rice milk
4 c Kix
3 oz skillet steak
1.5 c carrots
1/2 avocado
1 tbs flax oil
2 tbs canola oil

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Don't trust other's to make your kid's food.

So don't trust a hospital when they say they can accommidate your child's diet. They can't. I literally had to order from room service:
2 serving on mashed bananas
2 servings of blended chicken
2 serving of peas
2 servings of green beans
2 servings of pears
2 servings of rice.
2 c rice milk

I literally just bolused a few ounces of bananas and some Elecare all night. Super pissed about it, but now I know to bring our own food the next time.

Tonight's blend:
2 c rice milk
2 pork chops
2 c oatmeal
1 banana
1 c peaches
1.5 c mixed veggies
1 tbsp flax oil
4 tbsp of olive oil

I'm still trying to get Spencer's weight up, thus all the extra fat. I'll take it down to a more normal amount after he gains the weight back he lost.

Monday, August 8, 2011

beef him up

Tonight's blend:
1 3 oz pork chop
1 c rice
1.5 c peas and carrots
2 bananas
2 c rice milk
1/2 avocado
like 4 tbs of olive oil

My reasoning for all of the olive oil...Spencer isn't gaining weight. Due to him being sick and figuring out all his food allergies, he's down a pound and a half. He needs to bulk up and fast. I'm going to be a little liberal with the oils and such until he beefs up a bit. It seems like right now he just burns off whatever food we get in him and it's driving me crazy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I haven't updated Spencer's blends in the past couple of days because he has just been puking them up. I think the worst of his stomach bug is over and he's kept down this blend today:

4 oz pork chop
2 c rice milk
2 c oatmeal
1.5 c green beans
1/2 avocado
1 banana

Tonight's blend:
3 oz skillet steak
2 c rice milk
2 c oatmeal
1.5 c Kale
1/2 avocado
1 TBSP flax oil
1 c strawberries

I also picked some stuff up at the grocery store for Spencer to try my hand at allergy free baking. We'll see how that goes. I'm going to try banana bread first. I also found some allergy free cookies at Kroger tonight. I'm pretty excited about letting him try one. I tried one and they aren't bad.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I've lost a couple of blends along the way. The most important one took place tonight:)
Spencer's Blendtec came in the mail today. It was graciously donated to us. I decided to make a celebratory blend and blend Spencer a steak.

3 oz steak (well done)
2 c rice milk
1 sweet potato
1 c melon
1 banana
1 c brown rice
1 tbs flax oil

I think I love the blender more than I love my husband...and I love him quite a lot. It blended perfectly. I threw everything in at once and out came a smooth meal. It's going to make our life so much easier.